Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just another spring weekend...

Today, I did ALL the things I should've done yesterday and nothing of what I should've done today. Todd was so desperate to see Star Trek he talked Kendall into going. She "kinda" liked it. She liked it when they were on Earth and not in space. Probably would be my thoughts too. Todd loved it...and he isn't really a treky (or is it trekie...). I spent time treating myself to lunch and a little window shopping. After I picked them up, I recruited Todd to do some handyman work for a friend. Later we went to Avon to window shop some more and to eat. We left the house at 10:30 and didn't get home until 8...not quite what I was expected when I agreed to drop them off and pick them back up, but oh well. We all deserve a day to just mess around from time to time don't we?!

Today though, I had to make up for all that I didn't do the day before and then some.
What did I do today you ask????
  • cleaned the kitchen
  • cleaned the living room
  • mopped kitchen floor
  • gave Maximus' cage a good washing
  • cleaned bathroom
  • mopped bathroom floor
  • put away laundry
  • washed more laundry
  • put even more laundry away
  • cleaned out the garage
  • put a couple items on craigs list
  • helped Todd put in the invisible dog fence
  • put away a big pile of crap that was on top of the dryer
  • went to town to pick up a pizza and get a fountain coke

Wow...that list was long...I have a pile of things to do for work, but just can't make myself do any of it.

So even though I didn't get to the stuff on the list I made Friday, I still accomplished a lot of other stuff I found needed done. I wonder what I will do tomorrow. Oh yeah...that pile...


  1. Please know that I am definitely chuckling at the fact that you have to "go to town" to get a fountain coke.

  2. I love reading other peoples blogs so when I just happened across yours the other day, I put you on my list. I like yours it's interesting. But I do have to say you must have a great husband who will take care of the children while you clean. There would be know way I would be able to clean and keep the kids busy. Luckie you.
